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Old 04-06-2011, 08:42 PM
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Originally Posted by mszomola View Post
Look I stand behind the idea , it's a good poll , sure like all things some will be all out against it. Others will embrace it , some will be on the fence ... All responses valid ....

Though there's no way this fish is as problematic as people suggest. I say this because if you look at the previous attempt , it failed for other reasons .. The fish didn't survive .. Which is more of a nail in the coffin ... Then potential damage which is completely unproven .

When you guys are comparing this to perch it's two totally different things. I can vouch that perch are trouble they can tolerate similar walleye waters being of the same family. They run in packs and feed like piranha ... They are primarily a schooling fish because of their size they invade much faster then bass .. Bass can't push a pike out of an area , and share very well with walleye ... The balance has existed forever on many many lakes ...

it is a problematic fish if its a burden to the overall fisheries budget......any new fish introduced should at least have the potential to sustain itself to some degree....Trout in this province already are using up huge resources and still not satisfying everyone.
I dont believe its a simple as saying ok everyone clean the trout tanks we are going to grow Bass for 6 months of the year.

But i know Bass pro shops would love it.....they can finally unload their stock of boats
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