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Old 04-06-2011, 08:13 PM
mszomola mszomola is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 132

Look I stand behind the idea , it's a good poll , sure like all things some will be all out against it. Others will embrace it , some will be on the fence ... All responses valid ....

Though there's no way this fish is as problematic as people suggest. I say this because if you look at the previous attempt , it failed for other reasons .. The fish didn't survive .. Which is more of a nail in the coffin ... Then potential damage which is completely unproven .

When you guys are comparing this to perch it's two totally different things. I can vouch that perch are trouble they can tolerate similar walleye waters being of the same family. They run in packs and feed like piranha ... They are primarily a schooling fish because of their size they invade much faster then bass .. Bass can't push a pike out of an area , and share very well with walleye ... The balance has existed forever on many many lakes ...
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