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Old 03-27-2011, 09:19 AM
Pudelpointer Pudelpointer is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
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Originally Posted by Speckle55 View Post
Prud nice fish
so did everyone who fish Bullshead catch 25 inch trout.. last year

the guys out here caught 25 inch trout and they have pics of more too
so your point is

thats a 3 yr old fish some lakes less if you have a great lake like you say you have why are they not 10 lbs 28 inches to 30

5 yr old fish here made it to 20# 4 Alberta record
my brookie was 13 yrs old btw

can you flyfish in any Alberta rainbow lakes
can you do catch and release in any lakes in Alberta
can you not take 5 rainbows if you want in any Alberta lakes that allow 5 take
do you have a chance at a 5lb fish at any rainbow Lake.. Yes or NO.. legal answer please (no saying but) Judge said please answer Question
no further question's

Thank-you for your time you can go now
Are these questions for me? I will answer those in bold (because they are the only actual questions that are not rhetorical AFAI can tell).

First, I have no idea how other people did on the lake. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, whether they were catching fish or not (even the kids).

As for my point - I was responding to YOUR QUESTION:

Originally Posted by Speckle55 View Post
"so if you guys know your lakes what was the biggest for Bullshead .. Police Outpost.. Muir.. did anyone catch a 4 lb fish ?"

As for why are there not 10lb fish in Bullshead, there may be, however the vast majority of fish over 20" that are caught by the spin fishing guys are killed and kept - all legally and within the regulations - and that is their right as the rules stand. I have not killed a fish at Bullshead. My choice. Am I against killing fish? Not at all. I am however against killing the biggest fish in the lake. When I catch a 16-18" trout there I would just love to take one or two home. When I catch one over 20", I just can't bring myself to kill it, for not only am I depriving myself of the opportunity to catch it again, but also everyone else who comes to that lake for the opportunity to catch a fish of that size. For those unfamiliar with what I causes me to only want to keep smaller fish for the table, it is called a "conservation ethic".

As I stated earlier I have had a few "30 fish" days there, when the stars and moon all aligned, and the majority (90%+) were in the 17-19" range (a couple around 14" and a few over 20"). Is that because that is the maximum size the average fish will become? No. It is because we (the fishermen of Bullshead) kill any fish that grows over 20". A slot size would allow a number of fish to grow larger - much larger - if they get the chance. With a maximum size limit instead of a minimum, I would fully expect Bullshead to produce 10lb trout.

To answer your last question about 5lb trout at any Rainbow Lake, I would have to say NO. I do not believe so. I do not believe Michelle has any fish that big, neither does Mami, Beauvais, Beaver Mines or Lees (I have seen a couple BIG RBTR (rainbow trout) from Lees and Beaver Mines but they did appear to be brood stock - worn fins, etc. Beavais has trout over 5lbs, but not RBTR, only browns (cause they eat the RBTR).

So Speck, I have tried to answer your questions. I have tried to only relate information that is directly applicable to your questions. I have not given you my history of Steelhead fishing in coastal streams, the biggest steelhead from large rivers, or Chalkstream fishing in England - because it is not relevant in this conversation.

Do you have other questions you would like clear, direct answers to? Please ask without the rhetoric or sarcasm and I will be happy to answer the best that I can.
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