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Old 03-12-2011, 01:06 AM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Copperhead Road, Morinville
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
Demographics and usage is a prime motivator for making regulations for a particular lake. If 100 people a day from Edmonton visit public lake A in the country and farmer Z has lived next door for 100 years and fished it religiously and harvested 5 fish a day for 100 years...if the 100 people from Edmonton want changes to the regs...F&W should darn well make the changes. If 10 people a day from Edmonton visit public lake B in the country and 20 farmers a day fish the lake and want to keep the lake 5 trout a day...then the lake should remain 5 trout a day...but if F&W does a survey and 15 farmers want fish bigger than 16 inches...F&W should darn well adjust the regs accordingly. Think common sense folks...this is not rocket science. There is no conspiracy... One person on either side will not dictate or threaten the other. It is stupid to assume that is either side of this strange debate and question.

No one has a claim over another person to fish in Alberta. We are all equal as tax payers and fishing license holders. Just because I live closer to a lake than you does not make you a lesser person to comment on the value of changes or keeping things the same.
Yeah, well I'll tell you lazy azzed URBAN fellas that want to join elitist clubs so you have the strength in numbers over the RURAL folk that aren't organized enough to fight you fellas off are all worthless pieces of...... The only reason that you'd come out into the country to try something like that is because the numbers are too high in the city to let you get away with it. But yeah, it's okay in the country cuz there aren't enough Dave's to B***h and complain about it so it's all good.

If you want to live in the city where the fishing is no good or you have to drive a bit to get to a lake with bigger fish in them then live with it. No one is forcing you to live there, are they? I'd love to have elk grazing in every field around but there aren't any I have to drive to where they are, not somehow bring them to me!!!!

You figure yourself allot better than the fella that would contaminate a trout lake with perch but to railroad RURAL folk into "quality" lakes is okay. I TOTALLY understand why someone would dump a bunch of perch, pike or herbicide into a lake if that was done to a bunch of them and I sure wouldn't drop a dime on them if I found out who and why they did it. I'm not condoning it but I sure as hell understand it! And, if you want to take offence to that and go pout in the corner then do what you have to do!

If you want big fish within an hour of where you live and there aren't any then get your lazy butt where there are some or go to Safeway!
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