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Old 03-11-2011, 11:31 PM
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Speckle55 Speckle55 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
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Thanks Goldscud.. you have just told the anglers here that there are lake,s all ready that are Quality lake's all ready with no changes needed.. thats what i have been saying do you homework and fish where the History/Potential and as alot of post say become a better angler by understanding your Quarry and how and why and where they feed in a lake then key your time to only those areas.. also if you need bigger fish go to known areas you have listed or others and do the same thing.. there are some areas in every lake that there are Quality fish that live up to that lakes Potential ... the lakes that have aerator.. have a man made advantage..and the size of rainbows has been enhanced..Millers(10lbs)..Swan(11.6) in my area..Jasper National park 20 lbs 18 17
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