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Old 03-11-2011, 10:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
Soooo... You were whining that the Bow River is a fly fishing river catering to flyfishermen yet you only really spin fish and have no trouble catching fish in the Bow. So you are whining about???

Thanks...that is all I wanted to know from my leading post. You answered exactly how I thought...disproving your theory that a lake with reasonable limits and regulations would be no better or no worse for catching trout regardless of using spinning or fly fishing gear.

Therefore your post is purely designed to either troll or you also don't understand what it is you are arguing against or for.

The thread is about improving fishing through changes to limits in case you forgot this late into the thread...

Catching larger than 9 inch trout on average makes sense. Improving the average size classes of fish creates more sport and more enjoyment for those that are honest about the topic.

were you home schooled? jeez sun if you read the posts i catch lots fly fishing but am not gonna agree with any plan that plays to one group and not the other, regardless if i do it or not. thats your problem, you only care what you want and couldnt give a s*** about other people.

i dont need you or anybody to change anything to make my experiences better on the water, and the big fish i catch are that much better knowing that bed wetters like you cant do it.

diffrent people get diffrent things out of fishing, doesnt mean any one is better than others, in fact i would rather see a small kid catch a 9'' trout on a worm (even if it dies), than you and your buddies catch a 12''(big for you i am guessing)with a dry fly and releasing it safely.

maybe you should have another perch outting if you want to feel better about yourself. if you think people are gonna sit around and let you do it at the expense of others you are mistaken.
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