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Old 03-11-2011, 09:13 AM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
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Originally Posted by goldscud View Post
I hope next time some guys leave "the city" to go fishing that they bring extra stuff to suck up to the "rural" guys who apparently own and control all the lakes in Alberta. So much for sharing the resource. Maybe we should do an informal survey at Bullshead and Police Outpost this summer to make sure there is no rural guys there that are lost and confused wanting to catch to some bigger than average fish. Its quite interesting to find that everyone's so happy with the status quo and then you see the overflowing parking lots at Bullshead and Beaver, and the trail of tail lights heading to BC....

Alberta fisheries are owned by all the people of Alberta...not just a few fishermen that live nearby. As such some changes that F&W need to consider will require input of all stack holders regardless of where they live. Obviously they will get input from people closer to the lakes being affected than further away. If there are not a lot of negative comments from users closer in relative to the other interested stakeholders/fishermen from further away then in some instances the majority rules.

Other regulations are imposed by F&W without consultation as a result of necessity to preserve and protect our fisheries. A case in point in decreasing the limits from 10 to 5. One guy on this site infers that he can poach now since he used to catch 10 before...that is a pile of equestrian droppings.

Anyone that thinks they have a primary right or ownership or selfish sense of entitlement to public fisheries in Alberta are morally reprehensible and their sense of fairness of compromise needs to be relearned by their parents. If they feel a strong need to own the fishery themselves...they should dig a dugout and stock it. Otherwise they need to understand that they don't own the lake...they don't rule the majority and NO they can not morally be justifiable in vandalizing property or the lake or the fishery to satisfy their own sense of moral superiority over the rest of Albertans that want action to improve fishing in the Province.

If there are lakes in Alberta that are broken and need repairs ...then if F&W sees an opportunity and a requirement to do so they should. They should not be afraid of a few wing nuts that are afraid of change. We can not be held ransom to the threats of some nut jobs to destroy our treasured fisheries if changes are made.

We have to look to reasonable attempts to increase the value to the fishermen for the taxes we pay and the licenses we buy. The government is the manager of the resource...we are the owner...together we can make things happen for the better. The Government of Alberta has the moral requirement and the fiduciary duty to ensure our fisheries are managed to the the highest quality possible. Living in the past is great if you have blinders ignore the obvious while appreciating mediocre and all the while fearing any change.

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