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Old 03-04-2011, 06:34 PM
SNAPFisher SNAPFisher is offline
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
Just take a look at the Muir Lake "quality" fishery experiment. The rocket chemists got together and decided to create a "quality" lake there because SRD would let them have it and not because it was the right lake to do it in. It was a dead lake anyway and not worth stocking it so why not? It's an 80 acre slew that they are now trying to grow trophy sized fish in. Now I'm no fish doctor but I can pretty much figure out that it'll take more than a couple of aerators in a slew to keep any amount of reasonable sized fish alive in there let alone a large number of big ones.

Now that Muir Lake has failed to live up to expectations, the people that supported creating it in the first place are all pointing fingers to place the blame on why it didn't work. It's SRD fault for putting too many stocked fish in there, yada, yada, yada. We all know what the reality is though.....HEELLLOOO!
Woah this post has gone on long since I was last in here.

Dave, I'm not sure if I missed something but I thought you have never fished Muir? Yet you seem to know a lot about what a failure it is. I'm guessing the good people that put a ton of what into it and continue to do so might take a bit exception to your post. However, they are good people and would likely forgive your ignorance.

It would be great to see water levels come up but that is an issue in a lot of area of this province. The aerators do their trick though year in and out. Early spring there is something else...can't wait. It is a success to me and I'm pretty thankful to the people that decided to do something different in a fishery.

Just to finish off your argument about easier to catch big fish, that is one of the reasons why I go to Muir. There you go, what a revelation....
As I posted earlier I'm not sure why you keep harping on that but whatever...
I like having the choice of C&Ring bigger fish at Muir but then trying something different for the pan somewhere else on another day. You also seem to just ignore the fact that most that go to Muir are looking for that elusive HUGE trout. Same challenge or enjoyment as you get catching that HUGE trout for the lakes you go to. Seems like the same experience...
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