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Old 03-04-2011, 12:35 PM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
The reason that there aren't more "quality" fisheries is because the majority of Alberta anglers don't want them. Plain and simple. It's also the reason why SRD will not change any stocked lakes from their current status to "quality" fisheries. They will give up dead lakes and newly formed bodies of water in order to appease the "quality" fishery fellas though because it won't tick off Joe angler. You can dismiss the facts by pointing to the results in the attached poll but you aren't being realistic if you do. No one can give you an exact percentage of who wants what but common sense should lead you to some sort of conclusion shouldn't it?

Dave you crack us all up. Being as this is a new initiative in the overall management of lakes in wonder why more are not out there? Cause it is just starting buddy.

I could believe your stellar argument if these new quality lakes regulations have been around for 50 years.

New blood brings new the novel idea of providing what the masses want. Better fishing...not Dave's favorite fishing.

You may get when the new regs prove their worth and then while you will feign you will end up secretly

Right now you are struggling to understand and feel like but even though you talk a good yarn you are just going round in
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