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Old 03-02-2011, 11:32 AM
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Bigtoad Bigtoad is offline
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Originally Posted by pikester View Post
A suggestion to Bigtoad; according to your poll most people are DECISIVELY in favour of the "C&R with the chance of catching up to 25" option by nearly 20%. This thread is now up to 8+ pages & has evolved from a healthy debate to an acidic mudslinging arguement between a handful of posters. The majority has spoken by now & no good could come from another week of bickering & name calling; no one from either p.o.v. is likely to change their minds now. I respectfully ask you close this poll before the admins are forced to do so. Thanks for your passionate concern for our fisheries
You're probably right but:
1. I'm hoping that there will be more people that vote because generally, the larger the sample, the more accurate/valid the data. I'm not sure what I'll do with that data or how skewed it is being on an outdoor forum but it might be interesting to pass along to SRD or a regional biologist, just so that they are aware. More votes would help but I agree, I don't the % is going to change much.

2. I am also hoping that we are getting close to the end of anyone having anything left to say; including name calling, and perhaps there are a few folks that haven't been heard to give a few constructive things to say from different sides of the spectrum? I think I'm pretty much done any ranting and raving I have left and will probably sit most of the last bit out in respect to others who haven't shared.

If we continue as we have, with only a few sharing and going in circles, then yes, I'll ask to close the poll. Thanks for your input.

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