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Old 02-25-2011, 01:38 PM
Gust Gust is offline
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Originally Posted by huntin'fool View Post
Reiterated exactly my point in perhaps a more comprehensive manner. Thanks Fishpro.

And to those wondering how to get things changed??? GET INVOLVED. Become a member of your local fish and game club. Bring your matter to the table, if there is local support, they will forward it to AFGA. It is AFGA's job to bring these matters forward to SRD. They are our voice. That is why there are liaison positions for AFGA/SRD.

I have spoken to our bio on a couple of occasions and he has told me of fisheries "of the past" that have now been replaced by the overstocked put and take lakes that we're now unfortunately accustomed to. These lakes haven't just disappeared, only they have been made to accomodate only the majority---why not have fisheries that accomodate everyone? Even just 10% of our stocked trout lakes...that would be
My Dad likes the "put & take" lakes (he abhors Internet fishing and would neither know how nor want to post on here); his arguement is that these ponds relieve pressure off the more sensitive areas.

We're also both of the sort of fisherman who (as you said) "love the thrill of the chase" and when we don't catch, well it sure was beautiful out there today eh?

You could break down this thread into almost two category of fisherfolk,, ones wanting an instant gratification and those just fine with being on the water. I've had fishermen asking if they could have the fish I'm releasing, illegal for one start and then I'm wondering why they are fishing at all? (rhet) Obviously not for the charm of experiencing what a lot of people around the world don't have, an opportunity to be in some spectacular nature at the drop of a hat and that includes the Prairies.

Back to the dinkers,,, in mid-summer we go knowing that we are going to get nothing but pan-frys and we have a hibatchi ready to fry a few. My Dad can't hike up Sandy McNab anymore, even rocky shores are a major obstacle for him now,, so the dinker lakes are, if you notice, lined with seniors and kids. We reminice on fishing days gone by and the kids are skipping rocks by mid-afternoon, and we get out of the city.
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