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Old 02-20-2011, 12:43 AM
Mountain Guy Mountain Guy is offline
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Originally Posted by big-river View Post
Interesting to read where some write that it is acceptable to be SOL on the high shoulder shot where the shot goes a couple of inches high and the animal escapes, wounded. The animal lives, the author writes. Just like that. The animal lives.
How do you know? Because you didn't find it? Are you aware that most wounded animal mortality occurs late in the winter where the wounded animal goes into winter in a weakened condition and dies later? Some survive, but most wounded animals die in the winter months.

The problem with the high shoulder is that it can sever the spine and results in a spectacular death. However a couple of inches too high, the bullet can hit a fin off the vertabrae, or slide between two of the fins and make the animal drop as if hit by a bolt of lightening. And it might even lay there a couple of minutes, Then it gets up and leaves. With a very thin blood trail. I've seen it.

I just think the kill zone is too small on the high shoulder shot, it is hard enough to get a good enough shot exactly where you want it, especially under a lot of hunting conditions, lots of variables to worry about.

You can shoot em anywheres you want, I just bet one day you will change your mind.
You must consider that the ''bang flop'' is now the preferred ''shot'' for TV viewing.
I've already pointed out numerous times that the ethics of a meat wasting shot on an ungulate is VERY questionable.
This seems to get skirted around very tactfully by the shoulder crowd.
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