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Old 02-19-2011, 04:49 PM
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KegRiver KegRiver is offline
Gone Hunting
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Location: North of Peace River
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Originally Posted by equanuck View Post
You can't honestly believe that you're on topic when the topic is dangerous game and you are writing about a potential 350 yard shot. More than 1 person on this post has stated the distances for preferred shots and why.
Perhaps if you did some real hunting you would learn that dangerous game is dangerous no matter the range, and they remain dangerous until dead.
That is what gives rise to the designation dangerous game.

I'll tell you what. you crawl on hands and knees into a brush pile to finish off a Bear your neighbour made a bad shot on at (according to his account, at 200 yards) and then you come tell me how a 200 or 350 or any other distance shot is never a dangerous game shot.

This is getting tiresome. This is about the tenth time you have tried to pick a fight with me.

What is your problem. You want to debate, lets debate, quit trying to bait me into a fight.

What are your thought on bullet placement.
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