Thread: High Altitude
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Old 12-12-2007, 07:33 PM
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Default High Altitude

The Clash and a couple others had me traveling back though time. Thought a few here , like those crazy sheep hunters ( ) may like a few pictures of high altitude places.
This will be an on going (dial up killer) topic. Hope other will post as well.
The main theme will be the high places. Climbing (those silly sheep/goat hunters do it as well ! (see NDN/Bigbore topic) )
Anyway, being sort of "off" season, thought some may be interested.
I KNOW Tree Guy will be, as anything where a major wreck can happen, he is not far away

I'll start out with the view from my window back in the 80s, at about 3AM one night. Mt Kitchener:

For the climbers here, look in your "book" (ok, how many have the 1st & 2nd edition ? ) of Water Fall Ice. Two main routes to an "interesting" exit onto the Icefield. I always wanted to do it (back then) but had no takers: nearly 50% death rate on those climbs.

To the south of Mt Kitchner is the Athabasca Glacier. With luck Thumper sees this topic and can add some newer pictures to show the changes since the mid 80s ?

Next on the road to the south will be Mt. Athabasca. Many on this forum will have seen it. Pay attention to the north face & the curving snow "slope" to the right of the north face: test later Well, maybe not...always wanted to do the north face: didn't find a partner(that I trusted).

However, I did Silverhorn with a fella that has the same name as the fella that took out Pres. Lincoln: Robert Ford !
This is the view from the saddle , looking at the summit ridge "walk".

And the view from up there, looking at Wilcox pass & Tangle Ridge (not to be confused with that nasty , nasty tasting Whiskey !)

To end this first post, a picture of Tangle Falls. If you have ever traveled HWY 93 south from Jasper to Lake Louise , you passed this Falls at approx 60 miles south of Jasper, on the east side.

Last edited by Reeves1; 12-12-2007 at 07:44 PM.
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