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Old 02-18-2011, 05:17 PM
equanuck equanuck is offline
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Posts: 117

Originally Posted by big-river View Post
What a storm of controversy already!
Sounds like some of the younger guys figure that experience from someone who has been there and done it before doesn't count for anything because they have some grey in the beard.

Why try and re-invent the wheel? Double lungers are lethal, effective and ethical. Why try for riskier shots? Why not take the sure thing? And please don't think the newest greased lightening calibre out this year is going to be a game changer. Usually just means the bullet got there faster and more energy went into the bush behind the critter.

Been there, done that. That's all I'm saying.
Most of what you wrote has nothing to do with the OP's question regarding "large and dangerous". Black bears on guided hunts? I agree that the bear should have been shot thru heart/lung region as I don't put black bears in the same category as grizzlies. That and the fact that if it's a guided hunt there shouldn't be a question of danger "IF" the guide is any good.
Dangerous depends on distance.
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