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Old 02-05-2011, 06:30 AM
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blackpheasant blackpheasant is offline
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Originally Posted by glen d. View Post
Yes we must work towards a new Alberta/Western Republic to stop the finacial rapeing of Alberta.

We must stop the denying and understand what the agenda here is.

A new biograghy has been writen about Trudeau and the agenda has been spelled out.

Quote: In 1936, at the age of 17, Mr. Trudeau wrote a school essay that portrayed him as someday leading a separatist army to create an independent and Catholic Quebec. In one school essay, he sketches a fantasy of being a revolutionary blowing up "the enemies' munitions factories."
"I will return to Montreal sometime around the year 1976: the time is ripe to declare Quebec's independence. The Maritime provinces join with us, and so does Manitoba. I take command of the troops and lead the army to victory. I now live in a country that is Catholic and canadien."
Mr. Trudeau's youthful fantasy of war and revolution "hardly suggests that he was impregnated with the culture of federalism, of democracy, or of pluralism" that he advocated as prime minister of Canada in the 1970s, the Nemnis say.

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Isn't PET dead?
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