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Old 01-25-2011, 10:02 AM
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Fishfinder Fishfinder is offline
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Originally Posted by Jwood 456 View Post
Hi I’m new to the forum.

Anyways, when my family and I went on vacation to Florida my father and I went charter fishing. My Dad casted a jig and the line wrapped around a seagull. It was a heck of a battle for my Dad and I to free the hostile seagull. The seagull was pecking at our hands and squawking like mad. Boy weren't those pecks alarming. Afterwards, we laughed our heads off for quite a while. Once when my brother and Sister were fishing up in Skagway Alaska there was this little man made pond that was part of a creek full of salmon. Well anyways they caught a few salmon, though that wasn't the only thing they caught, they caught many salmon skulls as well. Yuk! There was another bizarrely funny incident when my father and I were fishing this back bush lake in BC. As we were slowly putting along in our boat, a micro sized trout jumped out of the water and hit my Dad in the head, then it landed right squarely into the boat. My father looked at me all accusingly and asked me what I just hit him with. I told him that a fish just jumped out of the water and hit him in the head. At first he thought I was just teasing him, and then he saw the fish flopping in the bottom of the boat. Shortly after the fish was released, we both had a good laughing fit.
Other notable qualifiers would be a fishing plug and tangled in a rats nest of line at long lake near Boyle, an old rusty 3' by 2' metal barrel at Isle Lake full of mud and another mud filled barrel the same size at a lake in Manitoba
Firstly, welcome to the forum!
Secondly, BWAHAHAHA Great story, hilarious stuff!
Musta been priceless to see that lil bow poing off ur old man's skull lol. Score one for the fishies!
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