Thread: Lease Land
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Old 12-07-2007, 09:13 AM
rugatika rugatika is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 17,790
Default Good idea Lurch

If getting access to PUBLIC lease land is going to be such a hassle with lease holders finding loopholes etc just to deny access then maybe lurch is onto something.

Deny access to the leaseholders during hunting season. Sept 1 to Dec 31 it's no go for them. If they want to have cattle on they still can, but it just can't be used as a reason to deny access. I mean, come on, have any of us ever "accidentally" shot a cow?

Reminds me of a story. Mickey Mantle (I think it was Mickey) and some ball player friends of his were out hunting and they wanted to hunt some farmland. Mickey goes to the farmhouse to ask permission while his hunting buddies wait in the truck. The farmer says "Sure go ahead, but can you do me a favour and kill that old cow for me?" "No problem says Mickey."

Wanting to play a joke on his buddies he goes back to the truck and says "That damn old farmer told me we couln't hunt on his land. I'm gonna show him!" Mickey grabs his rifle and goes and shoots the cow that the farmer had asked him to kill. The next thing he knows his comrades are beside him with their rifles and they start shooting the other cows. "Damn right Mickey. We'll show him!"

Just a story I heard. Not sure if it's true or not.
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