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Old 12-16-2010, 12:54 AM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Copperhead Road, Morinville
Posts: 19,289

Holding a bow at full draw since your your butt hits the treestand seat is impossible.

So is holding your crossbow up to your shoulder. So what?

A deer at 20 yards broadside, calm, with a rifle or crossbow raised is a dead deer.

No, that's not been my experience with a crossbow. If you can't make any movement then he walks.

Im not going to bother with spot n stalk mulies.

Either am I, that's not what I do. I prefer the ambush. That's just my style.

Guys that spend enough time in the tree, and that's what this comes down to. know how many more deer they could have killed if they were already drawn.

They THINK that they know! But if they've never hunted with a crossbow how would they know for sure? How many more deer would I have got if I didn't have to raise my crossbow to my shoulder, a similiar movement to drawing a bow?

Already being drawn and being to hold full draw till dark is what this is all about.

That is only one small part of the entire equation. Ya still gotta get the crossbow to your shoulder.

My assumptions are far from wild, closer compared to first hand experience.

As are mine with experience with both a compound bow and a crossbow.
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