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Old 11-21-2010, 06:29 PM
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WayneChristie WayneChristie is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
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Default First ice for us

We decided to check out a certain perch pond, sorry I cant tell you its Enchant, its a secret. The ice was maybe 4 inches where we were, and the top third is crusty white ice, so you are probably pushing the limits. I tried to walk out a bit further but the ice cracked when I stepped so I decided to wait. The fish were elsewhere mostly, but between the 2 of us we managed about 20 perch and one rainbow. The new tent was great, a lot of room. I am going to add more velcro to the window flaps, and maybe insulate the top plus build an insulated floor for it. Its going to be a lot of fun this winter. Play cards and fish all night for burbs sounds good.
Scope. I have no idea how thick the ice is, but there was none at all last weekend.



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