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Old 07-06-2010, 02:44 PM
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Jack&7 Jack&7 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Cochrane, Alberta
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Well, we have made it into the 500's for a post count on this thread and it still hasn't been shut down. It has come close at times, but at this point, I must say that I feel it is degrading rather quickly. Canuckshooter, if you have something constructive to add to the discussion, please do so...but you need to stop with the grade-school-yard "chicken" comments and calling people "stoopid" right now. Nobody appreciates it and is really interested. Communication is a two way street that has to be tempered with some respect for other's opinions....regardless of whether you agree or not.

This discussion has gone on for a while now with many different points of view...and some educational info as well. Please don't be the guy that railroads the conversation with immaturity. Sorry to single you out, as I try not to do this, but I feel you have crossed the line and the rest of us that are actually enjoying the conversation will suffer for it. Thank you.

I am amazed at the Ron Jones-Rafter-Top Gun saga and I have been very interested by some of the stuff I have read (yes...I have read the whole thing!) from people like Walking Buffalo, TJ Schwanky, etc. from both sides of the issue. There have been some very good points made and solutions what to do with those suggestions?

Can anyone offer some options on what "average joe" can do to voice their concerns? and to whom?
"You're gonna need a bigger boat!" - Martin Brody, 1975

"There seems to be alot of urinating in breakfast cereal around here." - Rackman, 2010

"It is true, there are dead beat dads out there, and there are thousands of dead beat moms too, who live off the efforts of good men trying to do the right thing." -KegRiver, 2011

"You have social media to thank for turning everyone into self-righteous know-it-alls.." -random internet dude, 2015