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Old 06-30-2010, 01:51 PM
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Arn?Narn. Arn?Narn. is offline
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Originally Posted by Rafter View Post

Thank you for the informative post. It's an eye opener for every one on this forum.

It sure dispels the myth that is floating on this site regarding the "Convenience Metis" and the mass flooding of applications by people to become a Metis because of nothing more than just gaining hunting rights.

In reality there are only 15,000 Metis in Alberta that can justifiably claim and prove that they are Metis as set out by Powley. This is actually a drop in the 46,000 Metis that claimed to be Metis prior to Powley. The myth that there are more Metis is false. In actuality there are less Metis in the Province that are rights bearing, or in other words allowed to hunt for food.

There are 86,000 people in Alberta who claim to be Metis on the census, there were 46,000 that claimed to be Metis to the Metis Nation of Alberta, and there are only 15,000 Metis that can prove they are Metis.

Of the 15,000 Metis that are rights bearing Aboriginals there are only 1000 +/-individuals that actually hunt. In other words if any other people that claim they are Metis but can not prove it will be found guilty in a Court of Law. Also they will not be defended by the Metis Nation of Alberta.

The misinformation that has gone on this forum has no fact behind it whatsoever.

Thanks for bringing the truth to us.

WOW !...I was under the impression that were many many many more Metis status hunters than those numbers...

Does that 15,000 include men women and children? I'm sure it must.

with only 1000 legally hunting under status,...and of that 1000 I wonder what the percentage is of those that are taking advantage or concentrating on trophies...

Is it possible, based on the numbers above, that this whole thing is blown way out of proportion?

Depending on the number of "convenience metis" that make that 1000 hunters, i'd almost suspect that the issue with Metis hunting rights is smaller issue than non metis poachers...