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Old 06-30-2010, 01:49 PM
Sporty Sporty is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Just North of the 55th Parallel
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Originally Posted by sheephunter View Post
Well said Sporty and I agree that trophy hunting isn't rampant throughout the Metis community but it has to be a concern. I don't think it can just be swept under the rug either. And yes, I have seen the results. You make some great points about the Metis and what it means to be Metis and it's unfortunate that an unscupulous faction is riding your coat tails for nefarious reasons.

I can't speak on behalf of others, I myself don't agree with many aspects of this agreement and because of that I chose to buy my tags as I always did after the agreement went through. I can only be responsible for myself. That being said, I don't know if I would turn the other cheek if I knew of someone personally abusing this right, as of now I know no one that has abused it.

I have different opinions of what constitutes "subsistence" and what doesn't but that is also something that I've kept to myself because I'm not walking in anyone else's shoes. I do know of people that have hunted, within season, with their harvesting rights but they also do what Metis have done traditionally. They share their kills with elders and the less fortunate, it is something they've always done, long before Powley and I can't judge them on that. One thing for certain is that I was Metis long before Powley as was my family. We have a strong proud line of Metis people going as far back as Red River Manitoba. My great great grandfather and 2 of his brothers fought along side Louis Riel in the Red River Rebellion and the Battle of Batoche, Metis to me is my life, not a fad, not something I found because of some new rights and for that I will defend Metis people, not because of some harvesting agreement.

I said in my original post that Trophy hunting is not allowed, there are guidelines from the Metis Nation themselves on their website. If people know of Metis abusing these rights and stepping out of the guidelines, report them.