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Old 06-27-2010, 05:09 PM
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mulecrazy mulecrazy is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Drumheller
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One interesting thing I found this winter was in Mexico. The wife and I did a tour of a mayan village. Mayans in mexico are the equivalent to our natives. These mayans for the most part still live totally off the land and recieve absolutely nothing as far as tax breaks and money from the government. These people were poor but very happy. The tour guide who was also a Mayan was very insistant in none of the tourists giving the people any money. They know what it will lead too. The children make little trinkits you can buy but that is about it. I found it quite interesting how they live versus our reserves. I asked the tour guide about any issues with drug and alcohol abuse in the villages. He looked at me kind of weird and said absolutely not. As far as I could tell the only differences between them and our natives was government exemptions and handouts.