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Old 06-27-2010, 03:28 PM
elkhunter11 elkhunter11 is online now
Join Date: Dec 2008
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There are hundreds of laws enacted in Canada where it favours one and not others. Let's start with Martin's Annual Criminal Code of Canada. Why is there a more severe punishment to murdering a Peace Officer then it is to murder a commoner? Is a Peace Officer's life more valuable than your's or mine? Why can't I use a crossbow for hunting during the archery season, but the other guy can because of an injury. He can shoot from his vehicle because he can't walk. I don't have to wear a seat belt because I'm pregnant.
Not one of those examples shows a law that favors one race over another.

Laws are not racist, only some favor special groups or minorities.
Laws are racist if they favor one race over another,based specifically on race,as do several Canadian laws.

Not all but many battles were determined by gaining an advantage over an adversary and it was not necessary to kill to win. Counting coup is based on pride of winning the battle without killing the opponent.
Are you expecting us to believe that natives never killed their enemies before the white man arrived?Do you really think that we are that naive?Try posting something a little bit more believable next time.

I guess we are going to have to agree to disagree for I do not feel legislation that corrects past injustices is racism for it was racism that caused the legislation to be passed to correct the white is right attitude prevalent for many years.
It doesn't matter how you try to justify our racist laws,by definition,they are still racist,as long as they give one race more rights than another race.