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Old 05-26-2010, 01:45 PM
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Originally Posted by gunner72 View Post
This actualy reminds me of a hunt I was on two years ago in 400. We called in a 5 piont bull elk up out of a drianage and he came out of the bush about 70 yards away and my buddy shot him twice broad side in the center of the shoulder with a 308 loaded with some rem corelock factory ammo and droped him on the second shot. When we knocked the guts out of him there was no blood in the chest cavity at all. When we skined him out at camp we saw that the two shots were about 4 inches apart(the width of my hand) and dead center of the shoulder blade(a good 6" below the spine). The shoulder was broken but there's no way that bull blead to death. I never seen this before in fact i excpected to find a lung shoot when we were gutting him. I think that those core locks opened up to fast and just pounded him in the ribs hard enough that it killed him. Must sound like i'm right out of er here but what else could have killed him?

I had a similar experience. I had shot a spike buck with my 32 special a while back. He was a little more than quartering away with his head down. Shooting down hill. The 170 gr flat nose hit just behind the last rib, travelled up the body cavity and lodge in the hide about half way up it's neck. When I dressed it out, there was no blood or visible damage to the internal organs and hit no bone. The deer dropped instantly and didn't move. What killed it? Not blood loss. I think that dumping every ounce of that bullets energy into the deers body was enough to kill it.