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Old 05-25-2010, 02:27 PM
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Cowtown guy Cowtown guy is offline
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Originally Posted by switchsl View Post
Evidence supports both sides of the argument, as did my post. You repeatedly missed the part where I said its the hole you shoot into something and the bleeding it caused that kills the animal. A brain hemorage is not a minor thing, if you have a stroke, you will understand. As for cell damage, well, I wasnt really talking about blood, I guess It was a mis interpretation. Lets respectfully agree to disagree... and agree at the same time. Shall we?
I'm just going to throw a question at you Switch.

Are you basically saying that there MAY be some damage attributed to the temporary wound channel? I think this is what I am getting from your posts. I did see in a post above that you do believe that the majority of the killing is from the blood loss. So if this is your statement than I think TJ and yourself are saying the same thing. No?