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Old 05-25-2010, 02:00 PM
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Originally Posted by switchsl View Post
Thus far you have nothing to back up your argument other than telling me politley Im an idiot. Ill step down from the discussion, which seems to have run its course, unless you have something other than your opinion and my grasp of it to offer. ]
LOL...again I question your interpretation of the facts. There has been plenty of scientific and anecdotal evidence posted to the contrary of your opnion. I am in no way am telling you that you are an idiot. I'm telling you that you did a good job researching but don't fully grasp what that research is saying. You sure are quick to jump to conclusions. I appreciate all of the info you have provided. Much of it supports my thoughts on the subject.

As I said the specifics of the exact damage was not really discussed in any of the material I found
And therein lies the downfall of your interpretation. I've tried to politely point out several times that I agree the damage exists but it is not sufficient to cause death. Much of what's been posted on this thread and my own experience supports that.

Hemorage is permenant
Huh? Cuts heal, bruises go away and your body regenerates blood cells. Nothing permanent there.