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Old 05-23-2010, 07:40 PM
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209x50 209x50 is offline
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BTW 209, your quote is from the following link:
From the one who quotes wikipedia!

A killer hydrostatic shockwave doesn't exist. For one the word is an oxymoron. Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure at a given depth in a static liquid. So I don't know how something as dynamic as a bullet impact could involve static fluid.
There simply isn't enough fluid laying around in the body to react like a container of water other than a full bladder. Does the body ripple and deform when struck with a bullet? Heck ya and I have great slow motion footage of it. The fact is that this deformation caused by the temporary wound channel really isn't that hard on the flesh and because of the elasticity it quickly controls it, long before the ripple causes any damage and a long ways from lethality.
Take a 1 pound bag of sand and launch it at 60 feet per second and a 490 grain arrow at 225 foot per second. They both have 55 foot pounds energy. Which one will kill you? The bag is more efficient at transferring energy, does it all on the surface of your body but is non lethal. The arrow is far less efficient at transferring energy and zips through you with energy to spare. What killed you, the energy or the work the projectile did with the energy?