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Old 04-08-2010, 12:24 PM
Stinky Coyote Stinky Coyote is offline
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Originally Posted by calgarychef View Post
I have a x-gun but don't hunt with it and won't until I'm too old to draw my bow. I hunt with a longbow by the way, just so everyone knows where I'm coming from.

While I'm against the use of x-guns in bow season we might be able to pull together and make it a win win situation. How about if there were more archery only areas created throughout the province (yes even for the x-gun guys). In that case I'd be all over the idea. Wouldn't it be great for everyone to have an archery zone within their home range?

I'd also like to see restrictions placed on bow performance and keep it to say 300 fps. just like a compound is now. That would really help to level the playing field. With the way technology goes weapons keep getting more and more efficient and it really erodes the whole idea of "short range" hunting.

the chef
can't say i'm down with the 300 fps restriction since i just bought a 360+ fps....this would be the equivelant to that tac15 is a wonderful thing and its nice that the majority of smooth shootin higher brace height bows are well into the low 300's fps now.....since overall performance is so close i think if you limit technology flow you have to do it to ALL bows...and no one wants that....i like my monster xlr8 and i'm sure Potty likes his two new top end latest bows also

but one thing i did like from the ohio stats were the sheer number of bowhunters....70,000 with crossbow and 55,000 with compound....thats more than all of albertas hunters period....pretty cool

the hardcore guys who like those moose every year on general and big trophy bucks etc. are the only ones who suffer, if we were just talking meat here this whole argument i don't think would exist because there is tons of game in the bowzones etc. that if bowhunter numbers increase to put the moose and muley bucks on draw here and there then great,.....whatever management is needed so long as they do good job like they do now.....because to me the more and bigger bowhunting is alltogether...the better

shutting the door on it and sweeping the tool under the carpet like it doesn't exist isn't the answer....its a bow, lets get in the game and adjust, grow the bowhunting side of things, if you don't want to see expansion and growth in the bowhunting side yet shoot a brand new top end compound then your selfish and hypocrit imo and you don't want to see that growth because of trophy tags hitting the draws and not being able to pursue a few key trophies every single season then shame on you you selfish sob