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Old 04-02-2010, 11:23 PM
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dbcooper dbcooper is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 292

Originally Posted by whitetailhntr View Post
Ain't that the truth! Crossbows are no more effective than archery tackle. On another note you can only use them during rifle season so why not just use a rifle...unless you want to use a crossbow. What ever you wanna use have at her and have fun the end its all hunting.

If the guy wants a crossbow why not help him out with some tips and pointers rather than tell him to shoot a long bow?Maybe he should just buy a Weatherby
Yeah your right... I actually just looked through the 2009 regs and might as well just buy a rifle. Actually... having thought some more about it this uncorrected dominant eye thing and thinking about some things that I love to do or would love to 'try' in my life, I might as well get the eye corrected. I mean for christsakes I can't even shoot a shot gun at geese...

Everyday I find some other reason that having poor vision in my dominat eye sucks and am leaning towards getting it fixed.

Thanks for all suggestions. I think I have my answer.

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