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Old 03-10-2010, 11:54 AM
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Slannesh Slannesh is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Calgary
Posts: 460

Not sure when i`ll be going but my daughter and I are planning on going this year. We tried going last year but had some delays in getting out and didn`t show up till saturday afternoon, by then there were several hundred people waiting to get in so since I had the whole family in tow and was really the only one who was all that interested in getting in we decided to skip it.

This year my fiancee' is pregnant and unfortunately on bed rest so she'll have to skip it and our son just isn't the outdoorsy type so I doubt he'll be into it. My daughter however heard about the raptor display and is very interested in seeing them so that's my in for her

I'm thinking Saturday morning but we'll see how it goes.
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