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Old 03-06-2010, 03:10 PM
rugatika rugatika is offline
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Default Great Idea

Originally Posted by genoel View Post
God bless the Americans! Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean that EVERYONE ISN'T REALLY OUT TO GET THEM!!!

Perhaps if they kept their noses out of everyone's business they could sleep at night. They are the biggest baddest force on the planet aren't they?

Well, at least their on our side (for now anyways.)
I would love to see the Americans stay out of everyone's business across the planet and make it absolutely perfectly clear that they would no longer be policing the world. It would be an interesting experiment to see how long it would take the rest of the world to come begging at America's door to help with this skirmish, or that invasion, or this plague etc etc. I suspect that the USA would hardly get the story out that they would no longer be filling the position of world police that the entire planet would be crying foul.

I suspect that the people that complain about Americans sticking their noses into other countries business are the same ones that gleefully point out how they were late comers to WWII.

Everyone loves to lay the hate on the Americans...but there is not a single other country on this planet that I would rather share a border with. (Well maybe Sweden...HELLO Elin!!)
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