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Old 03-06-2010, 10:23 AM
Built4life Built4life is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Canmore
Posts: 47

here is the sad truth - the united states is using this "war on terror" to increase the size of government, take american liberties away from the people, erode the constitution and dumb down the already nieve and frightened population. Statistics have shown that 7 out of 10 americans are illiterate. Thats an alarming statistic i read in the new york times last year in houston, it really drove home the fact that if you can keep a nation in the dark and feed them only sensored media that you provide them you can really do anything you want with them. Its amazing. I've got a second home in arizona and i travel down there regularly, many americans still think we live in igloos and drive dog sleds - everyone else i talk to dosnt know where kanada even is lol
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