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Old 03-06-2010, 07:49 AM
roadkill roadkill is offline
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Originally Posted by TriggerFinger View Post

I think, in a way, the terrorists are winning. They have managed to turn the most powerful nation in the world into a state of 'mass paranoia'.
Unfortunately, a marine could peg Osama Bin Laden in the head tomorrow, and he'd still have won. Not only are Americans willing to give up freedoms for security, but once the bill for these two wars have to be paid, it's extremely likely that the US will be bankrupt. We're not only talking about regulars in the sand, right? I mean, there's the daily cost of running regular army and marine units and ll of that, plus the running cost of having national guard units there. Then, there's the home-front costs of having, say, an airline pilot sitting in a fighter in the middle east instead of working at home. Then there's the reduced workforce that dead reservists or guardsmen have , plus the extreme costs involved with keeping an amputee or PTSD sufferer going, both in veteran's hospitals and for the rest of his life.

Add the costs involved with having a Department of Homeland Security and all the extra security measures, and we're talking billions.

And that's really the only way you can take on the US, right? Do something big and let them do it themselves. Hell, Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein *hated* one another, so the US actually did BIn Laden a favour in Iraq.

Originally Posted by S.A.S View Post
Just a minor flaw, But there is no real problem with Racial profiling, Once people stop there crying and dry their eye's they will see it really works and makes things go faster.
That is bigoted bulls***t.

Originally Posted by S.A.S View Post
If we prevent them from coming here then we are preventing future attacks. It is only a matter of time before something happens here.
The best way to prevent future attacks is to not use the rest of the world like chess pieces and a cheap labour pool.

Originally Posted by blackpheasant View Post
The sad part is does anybody really believe that the next wave of terrorist attacks will have anything to do with airplanes or airports, not likely, these guys aren't as dumb as they look....think of all the potential targets and methods they have available to them, it's endless....
I agree. But slapping those stupid new body scanners into our aeroports makes it look like the governments and transport authorities are doing something to help. I'm frankly sick of these band-aid solutions. Better to figure out a way to scan New York or LA for dirty bombs or anthrax or something. I'm obviously just pulling examples out of the aether, here...

Probably the only English-speaking, French-Canadian lefty greeniac in Montréal with a 2008 Winchester M70 in .270. Probably.
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