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Old 02-22-2010, 11:10 PM
Outfitter2 Outfitter2 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Near Drayton Valley , Alberta
Posts: 4
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For my 2 cents worth , it is very interesting to read the various responses to the wolf subject .
I trap a lot and have hung up my share of the critters for sure , and what Lone Wolf says about opening up the bush and providing easy travel lanes compared to what the game travel on , is absolutely true , no questions about it. The trails and cutlines are snowplowed throughout the bush in every direction and the wolves simply follow them until they find an animal to chow down on.
Normally when the wolves make a kill in the bush they will eat until they are bloated , then lay around within close proximity until they can stuff themselves again and/ or the meat is gone. If you jump a pack of wolves who have just gorged themselves they will make themselves puke it up so they can run . This is done in seconds and I have seen it first hand several times.
As for cattle killing , I cannot comment , as I trap deep in the bush . I live on a farm in west central Alta. and have no cattle etc. , but the wolves do live not far away , and do bother the neighbors at calving time. Several are shot each year while the cows/ or elk are calving, but a lot of folks don't realize that black bear are harder on elk calves then wolves ever thought of being.

Having a good discussion is always enlightning and it is good to hear each point of view on the subject .

The reason the SRD is killing off wolves in/near Grande Cache is to try to protect the few remaining caribou in the area, as they're habitat is getting cut up so badly and opened up , there is no place left for them to go and they are easy prey for the wolves in the area. This is proven fact .
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