Thread: Sheep Part 3
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Old 02-13-2010, 05:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Hagar View Post
sheephunter,putting aside the cost of running such a course(lets say I have arranged the funding)What is you real beef with having to spend a little time taking a course of this type?You have said there are lots of constructive suggestions out there yet have you offered any?

As I have said I do not think there is a problem however others think there is and they are trying to make changes.Most of the changes have as much chance of making a difference as what I am proposing,which do you think would have the least impact on how we hunt sheep.A manditory course or more restrictive regulations?
Hagar, you can't put the cost aside. The cost would be huge. The problem lies in the fact that you have hunters all over the province so how would you ever give them all access to the course without running hundreds of courses or putting undue hardships on those from outside of major centers.

I'm not sure why you are so resigned to the fact that restrictive changes are coming. You have basically given up and are now trying to find a palatable restriction. I think the point you are missing is that a course is a restrictive regulation for some. Ya, I live close to a major centre and have the funds to pay for a course so it would have basically no impact on me but that's not the case with thousands of Alberta's hunters. You just admitted above that a course would make little difference so why keep pushing it? I just don't see us having to settle for something. I'm not ready to give up and roll over and be dealt more regulations that accomplish nothing or that are so onerous that they put undue hardship on Alberta hunters.

You keep saying I'm against change and that somehow makes me selfish. Well, I totally support change if it makes sense or addresses a problem. I don't see a course doing that...not in a fiscally responsible manner anyhow. If you really want change...why not lobby for more predator control and habitat improvement. There's no arguing about how effective that will be. Sorry but I'm not willing to roll over and take what's dished out.....if that makes me a selfish be it.
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