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Old 02-10-2010, 12:55 AM
Posts: n/a

Just curious what you think kills those rams then Justin....the bio told me natural causes was a big factor. Considering the number of dead rams I've found over the years near winter range, I'd have to say that falling, avalanches and predators take their toll. I guess it's possible that a few are caused by the hands of man but in the places I've found most dead rams, hunting season is long over by the time the rams move in and I suspect they are too remote for poaching. Natural ram mortality is quite high according to the bio I spoke with, from what I've observed and from what I've read.

I'm sure in more accessible areas, you'd have to factor in the First Nations harvest as well but it seems mother nature is particularly hard on rams all by herself. I'm sure the same can be said for most ungulate species though.

When Geist studied rams in Banff, he found that 50% of rams had died by the time they reached 10. Throw hunting into the equation and it's not hard to imagine a 50% decline every year after age 7. The rams that make it to more than 8 years old are really bucking the odds....but a certain percentage do.

Last edited by sheephunter; 02-10-2010 at 01:18 AM.