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Old 02-06-2010, 06:24 PM
sheepguide sheepguide is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Rimbey
Posts: 5,908

Was thinking that maybe I was wrong on this and it was bugging me today!
So I knew that my Step Dad had an older B/C book. It is twenty years old (8th edition)so a quite a bit has changed but it will back what I say. Up to 1988 there were 113 entries from north of HWY 1 and 62 from south(I googled every creek mountain or area that I didnt know). There are 15 listed as just alberta. And I may have missed one or two but think I counted pretty acurate.
I know these numbers will increase now but I dont beleive the south has out numbered the north by over double in the last 20 years.

In the top 15 in this book there are 10 from alberta and of these 3 are over 16" on the base and 1 is only 16 on one horn.

There are 5 rams in this book from alberta with 17"+ bases. 2 from the north(1-Brazeu and 1- Rocky Mtn House) and 3 from the south( Yarrow creek- 1, Highwood - 1 and Castle river - 1)

Just thought it would shed a little light on what area produces the biggest rams through out history.

So if your rams do carry an average heavier base in the south then they must not hold it or get enough length to finish off.