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Old 01-05-2010, 11:05 AM
Rackmastr Rackmastr is online now
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Originally Posted by sheephunter View Post
I think the key words there are "for guys that haven't done it before".

Neither 4/5 or full curl are particularily difficult to judge once you have some experience but for the novice, it can be intimidating. Most Alberta hunters have very little experience judging full curl rams and what many guys consider full curl rams don't make it by legal definition. It's big leap from 4/5 to full and as Rack pointed out, many rams will never be full curl despite being truely giant rams. This is especially true in southern parts of the province.
x2....the key words are 'for guys that havent done it before'. Its a skill (like anything else) that is learned. Takes a lot of looking and a lot of patience and looking in the off-season at every ram you can (dead or alive) to really get good at judging sheep.

Sure is wild to see some big loopy rams in 400 that are just true pigs but are a long ways off full-curl. Some of them just barely squeak by 4/5ths and are still very big heavy loose curled rams.
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