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Old 04-28-2024, 06:40 PM
W921 W921 is offline
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Originally Posted by MK2750 View Post
People work hard to get a ticket. Companies are responsible to comply to code.

If you don't have enough volume to run every gas appliance in your house than you are contrary to code. The gas fitter and his company can not legally install your water tank.

Do you think people should break the law and risk their business because your home is not up to code?
My understanding is Rachael Notley government in that one term changed all the cvodes and had plans for even more sillyness if she had a second term. Example rural water.
The new codes are out of this world and go way to far. This is one of the reasons building costs are so high. Plus the biggest problem is the skill level or desire of the builder to do quality work and an inspector normally can't see a lot if he is just looking at and passing a finished project.
Code also changes depending on where you are in Alberta. What is code in Lethbridge is different in MD. What is safe for a mobile is unsafe for a house. Example flex house from house to meter.
If something was safe before Rachael Notley its just as safe as now.
Another thing is a pro gas fitter has all the tools to cut and thread pipe with him in his truck. He isn't buying pre threaded lengths of pipe and making it fit or running to town for fittings. His cost and time should be way faster than a farmer.
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