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Old 04-28-2024, 01:21 PM
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3blade 3blade is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
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Here’s the thing, we don’t have open oak hardwooods like those videos you’re watching. We have a low (usually 20 ft or under) canopy and a thick understory in most forested areas. Makes it very difficult to setup high enough to be out of sight, and hunt effectively, without cutting shootings lanes. Climbers never really caught on here for the same reason.

There are some situations where it could be a useful option. They are just much more rare than you think, everything looks different from up a tree. I bought a light weight hang on and climbing sticks with the same idea and learned the hard way, most animals I saw I couldn’t shoot due to obstructions.

$600-1000 to get a saddle set up. If you’ve never taken an animal with a bow, that money would be better spent taking days off work, gas in your tank, and on your binos, to go scout and learn the spots you want to hunt. Once you can tell exactly where the animals are going, and when, and why, THEN you can decide how best to ambush them.

For perspective I bow hunt 30-60 days a year, so I’m not talking out of my hindquarters
“Nothing is more persistent than a liberal with a dumb idea” - Ebrand
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