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Old 04-28-2024, 08:42 AM
W921 W921 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2019
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Originally Posted by Phil McCracken View Post
"the nature of the suspect’s employment placed him in a position of trust and authority".

This is why this case is so appalling. ALL convicted pedos deserve the worst punishment available by law.
If you are the victim of police. This is what happens because they have all the power. You fear it will happen again and you will not be believed and nobody cares or even wants to know about it.
You also fear the bad guys. If the last time you were beat up and you called the police for help and then they locked you up and ransacked your house and tried to steal your completely legal guns then went to all your neighbor's houses or anybody you are friends with looking for more of your guns and threatening them and destroying your reputation well then what do you do the next time someone attacks you in your house? Call police again?
Defend yourself? Its a lose /lose in either situation.
You feel like anyone can do whatever they want to you at anytime and there is nothing you can do that will not make it worse. You would literally chose to burn your house to the ground with you in it before you would call 911 for help

In any event atleast this guy in st. Paul was charged even if it was with pay. WORST thing the could have done is covered it up or quietly got the RCMP officer to resign because this kind of stuff makes everything way,way worse..

Last edited by W921; 04-28-2024 at 08:53 AM.
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