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Old 04-27-2024, 06:53 PM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
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One needs to start watching for these stories. The Liberal spin doctors don’t allow posting of a story that suggests Trudeau thinks of quitting.

It’s a set up. Put the question out there but he’s too strong a man to quit. Too much to do. Needs to defend democracy… but it’s hard and he’s made sacrifices and still has more to do.

Then will come stories on what he’s done. How much he’s accomplished and how he’s setting up Canada for the better.

Then comes a story that he has done so much and hit his main hurdles and maybe others turn to carry the ball so he can settle down and enjoy the $180 MM he made while in office.

Then comes his epiphany that he has done more than enough and his legacy will live on through the interim leader.

At the same time a few stories about the odd cabinet minister as to their leadership qualities will hit liberal friendly reporters.

Liberal insiders will watch for critical negative news about each one.

Then when their are ready to pull the trigger on an interim leader, Trudeau will announce he wants to move onto new challenges and help Canadians from another role…

Then his new plush patronage job will be granted by the interim leader…

Then next stop Election City.

Canada's Trudeau says he often mulls quitting his 'crazy job,' but will stay on
Updated March 15, 2024·1 min read

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau takes part in a climate change conference in Ottawa
OTTAWA (Reuters) -Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, whose Liberals are trailing badly in the polls, on Friday said he thought about quitting his "crazy job" every day but insisted he would stay in office until the next election.

That vote must be held by October 2025 and recent surveys of public opinion show the Liberals would be crushed by the right-of-center Conservatives. Pollsters say voters are tiring of Trudeau, who first took office in November 2015.

"I could not be the man I am and abandon the fight at this point," he told French-language broadcaster Radio-Canada in a lengthy interview.

Asked whether he thought about quitting, he laughed and replied: "I think about quitting every day. It's a crazy job I'm doing, making the personal sacrifices.

Trudeau continued: "Of course, it's super tough, it's super not great at times. But my God, the path we're on is so precarious, democracies are under such attack around the world."

The Conservatives say they will ax a carbon tax introduced by the Liberals, address the government's budget deficit, tackle a housing crisis and crack down on crime.

The carbon tax is due to go up again on April 1 and Trudeau reiterated the government would not heed calls from some provincial premiers to freeze the increase.

"I entered politics not to be popular, not for personal reasons, (but) because I want to serve and I know I have something to offer," he said.

Last year, Trudeau and his wife Sophie announced they were separating after 18 years of marriage.

(Reporting by David LjunggrenEditing by Nick Zieminski and Rosalba O'Brien)
It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. Charles Darwin
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