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Old 04-24-2024, 06:06 PM
Grizzly Adams1 Grizzly Adams1 is offline
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Originally Posted by dmcbride View Post
Look deeper,

“ For one, the price of butter is impacted by the federal Canadian Dairy Commission, which surveys farmers to assess the cost of producing butterfat and skim milk. It then informs provincial boards how much processors should pay. Because the demand for butter is on the rise, the commission has recommended significant increases for farmers, Charlebois said.

“Those increases at the farm level get compounded throughout the supply chain. If you’re a dairy processor, you end up paying way more, and grocers tend to adjust prices accordingly,” he said. “Twelve per cent at the farm gate can look more like a 25 to 30 per cent (increase) in retail.”

Now add the Carbon tax
I have yet to see a 10. lb. of butter, 6or 7 max and Costco considerably less.
Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there is no place, that they be alone in the midst of the Earth.

Isaiah 5:8
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