Thread: Townpost Scam
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Old 04-19-2024, 01:15 PM
W921 W921 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2019
Posts: 1,568

So how would you do a legal gun sale at a police station?
Our RCMP station you are not even allowed to park on the property.
You go in the door and its like a small contained room where they could come at you from three possible sides. Its structural fortress but you can't really see anything inside the station even on inside.
I seriously think RCMP would lose their minds if they saw anyone in town with a rifle.
I suspect they are not going to want anything to do with any gun deals unless they can arrest or take the gun.

Years ago when I used to buy and sell guns I have gone to rcmp trying to get help so I didn't knowingly buy a stolen gun etc. They didn't give a flying you know what about helping me and that was years ago when they were the good guys
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