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Old 04-18-2024, 12:30 PM
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huntinstuff huntinstuff is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Edmonton Alberta
Posts: 9,684

Sometimes there is a compulsion to comment. Someone asks "whats the best"....or "thinking of buying a Remington 710" and guys throw their comments out

That's why social media affects people, some to the point of blowing their brains out.

Political stuff gets heated. Highly unlikely arguing on the internet will change anyone's opinions, but some will try like it actually means something.

The debates on politics and religion are endless. Consider them entertainment as NONE OF IT will ever result in change. Never.

And if you post a pic of something, EXPECT someone to criticize it. Post it anyway.

If we all said "awesome" to every idea, picture and opinion on here we might as well wear flip flops, baggy shirts and shuffle along with our hands clasped behind our backs....
When you are born, you get a ticket to the Freak Show.
If you are born in Canada, you get a front row seat.
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