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Old 04-15-2024, 11:13 AM
W921 W921 is online now
Join Date: Dec 2019
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What is the Canadian dream?
Stuff is not happiness.
I appreciate what i have been blessed with but I realize it can all be taken away.
Looking back at my life the things that seemed unfair and bad all made me better and lead into new better things.
No pain no gain and with risk comes reward.
Material things we built and we created won't last after we die.
Our children have to learn for themselves. We can't do not for them.
When I was growing up all I ever heard about was the great depression (30s). How it was going to happen again and about how now in 70s there was no opportunities and everything was wrecked.
I was constantly told I couldn't do anything and better just try to save every dollar and never invest in anything or take chances and on and on. If I would have believed them they would have been right.
Some people made money and had good years in depression . I'm sure ww2 seemed like end times.
In late 70s early 80s some people made really good profits borrowing money at 20% and paying back loans on deflated currency while inflation drove up prices of what they invested in.
I think we all end up blessed according to our actions but without Faith those mountains won't move out of our way.
Sometimes to much or what we think we want isn't good either. Or we are not ready for it yet.
Sort of like how we wouldn't give a 5 yeast old a loaded revolver. Or a 15 year old $100,000. Or a 17 years old a real race car as his first vehicle.Or if our kid was rotten and evil we might not give him anything.
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