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Old 04-15-2024, 10:04 AM
Pekan Pekan is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
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Posts: 871

Originally Posted by mackenzie280 View Post
Just looking for some options, I have a 1/4 of land that has a decent amount of Elk, Moose, Deer , Bears , wolves and coyotes. I do have a bait and try to do what I can to help the animals through the winters.
Three years ago the neighbors rented their property to a couple who decided to get into sheep farming. Which is fine as it is fenced and is no concern to me.
My issue is the sheep farmers have two huge dogs, for flock protection I am told. I run trail cameras year round have have numerous pictures of these two dogs at my baits and chasing animals. When I asked the sheep farmer to keep his dogs on his own property he stated that he can't as they roam for protection. Needless to say the discussion turned heated very fast as I reminded him that the dogs on my property 1KM away from the his sheep are not protecting anything but harassing wildlife. The local F&W officers seem not interested in getting involved. I have no doubts that if I had dogs and they were chasing his sheep they would be shot, which is what I am considering doing.
Is this too harsh???
They roam for protection?.......That's no bueno.

The guy keeps sheep in an area with wolves? Once you take care of his dogs, the wolves will take care of his bank account!
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