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Old 04-14-2024, 06:25 PM
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Coiloil37 Coiloil37 is online now
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The dream spent a long time in its death throes but has been dead for some time now. Nearly ten years in my opinion. Most haven’t even noticed, plenty are in denial and the level of delusion amongst those who have noticed is unbelievable.

Case in point. Some of you even think there’s a chance of separation. My god, if it’s not bad enough now it never will be.

Seems some love the abuse.

It’s not the country I grew up in. Likely never will be again and if one looks, it’s easy to see which direction the majority vote.

Oh and speaking of consequences… of which there are many.

I see zero chance for any politician to reverse course. The voting masses won’t allow it. There is no continuity between parties or long term vision and the winds of change have shaped the political climate into something I can’t relate to but apparently the majority want. At this stage, to fix it one would need a benevolent dictatorship like Singapore, not a 4 year popularity contest. Nobody wants to do what’s right because it’s hard and unpopular.
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